
What Do the Middos of Sefira Really Mean?

Dear Jew in the City- Is the self-improvement thing during sefirah kind of made up? What do all the middos mean or where do they come from? All the best, TZ Dear TZ- Sefirah is an unusual… I was going to say holiday but it’s not exactly a holiday, is it? It’s something we do […]

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Is Hashem Really Listening To My Prayers?

Hello Jew in the City- I relate to praying as something that I must do three times a day. While, whenever I think about it, I conclude that Hashem IS in control (at least to a large degree), but I do not truly believe that Hashem listens to my praying. As such, saying tehilim or otherwise davening for something […]

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I Feel Disappointed in Orthodox Jews When They…

Sit in judgment of others, as our sages teach “Don’t judge another man until you have stood in his place.” (Ethics of the Fathers) When they do that judging in public, as the Talmud says, “He who publicly shames his neighbor is as though he shed blood.” When they commit acts of fraud, as the […]

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