
Can the Torah Help Explain Jewish and Muslim Relations?

Dear Jew in the City, Can you please explain Jewish/Muslim relations in the Torah, in particular why they’re so contentious? Sincerely, Itai   Dear Itai, Thanks for your question. The Torah has literally nothing to say about Jewish/Muslim relations. To explain why this is, please consider the following timeline: 1312 BCE – The Torah is […]

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In a World Where Jews Are So Hated, How Do We Find Hope?

Dear Jew in the City, Up until now, Jews of our generation lived in a bubble, mostly insulated from overwhelming Jew hatred that has always permeated society. Now that the mask is off, we better understand what our ancestors experienced. How did they cope? How did they find joy and hope in a world where […]

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On High Alert: Life In Today’s Antisemitic World

I get a New York Times alert as I turn on my phone after Shabbat and my stomach drops, immediately thinking the worst. Normally, I’m escorted out of Shabbat with a new sense of calm. I just spent 25 hours away from my phone. Instead of being constantly plugged in, I re-ignited my connection with […]

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