
Can the Torah Help Explain Jewish and Muslim Relations?

Dear Jew in the City, Can you please explain Jewish/Muslim relations in the Torah, in particular why they’re so contentious? Sincerely, Itai   Dear Itai, Thanks for your question. The Torah has literally nothing to say about Jewish/Muslim relations. To explain why this is, please consider the following timeline: 1312 BCE – The Torah is […]

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How To Debate An Anti-Zionist In 5 Easy Steps

I have tried engaging in rational dialogue on social media with detractors of Israel on many occasions, only to be met with personal or national death threats. So I mostly just block and delete Jew haters these days. But when I do engage, here’s what it sounds like. Them: Palestinians were there first. Me: Actually, […]

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Top Ten Jew in the City Articles of 2023

Happy (almost) New Year! While many of us celebrate the new year at Rosh Hashanah time, the changing of the calendar from one year to the next also holds some undeniable weight. It’s another fresh start, another opportunity for change and growth and an additional moment to reflect on the past.   We’re reflecting on […]

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In a World Where Jews Are So Hated, How Do We Find Hope?

Dear Jew in the City, Up until now, Jews of our generation lived in a bubble, mostly insulated from overwhelming Jew hatred that has always permeated society. Now that the mask is off, we better understand what our ancestors experienced. How did they cope? How did they find joy and hope in a world where […]

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