
Does Judaism Think Being Sheltered Is Good Or Bad?

Hi JITC- What are your thoughts on “being sheltered (from the “non-Jewish world)”? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? What’s the halacha? Thanks! B Dear B- I’m afraid that this is an area that leaves the realm of halacha and enters that of meta-halacha. You may be familiar with a famous quote […]

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Why is Pesach the Holiday When We Tell Stories?

Dear Jew in the City, I know that there is a mitzvah to tell the story of our Exodus during Pesach, but why then? Why don’t we have to tell the story of getting the Torah or the story of sitting in succahs? Why is this the holiday we have to tell stories on? Sincerely, […]

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What’s the Jewish View of Luck?

Dear Jew in the City- With St. Patrick’s Day approaching, I got to wondering about rabbit’s feet, four-leaf clovers and their seemingly Jewish counterparts of hamsas, blue-glass eye beads, red strings and the like. What is the Jewish view of luck and tokens of good fortune? Thank you, Nathan   Dear Nathan- Thanks for your […]

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Are You Allowed to Ask Questions in Judaism?

Dear Jew in the City- I was raised to not be allowed to ask questions at my yeshiva, Is asking questions considered to be a bad thing in Judaism? Sincerely, Koby Dear Koby- I wish you had asked this question around Passover because nowhere is the ethos of asking questions more apparent: Maggid, the main […]

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Is Watching a Movie As Bad As Eating Treif?

Dear Jew in the City- I was raised to believe that eating traif was the same thing as watching a movie. How are mitzvos, minhagim and chumras weighed, in other words, how do I make sense of what is really required of me from the Torah, the rabbis or just by my particular community? Thank […]

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