
Why Would God Create Man Needing a Bris?

Dear JITC- We hear a lot of pop culture references to “I Love You Just the Way You Are,” “Born This Way,” etc. The Greeks also thought we were perfect as we are. So why would God create man needing a bris? What is Judaism trying to tell us about why we need circumcision? Shouldn’t […]

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What Is the Torah Approach to Fire Safety?

Dear Jew in the City- Since I became religious, I’ve been scared about the seemingly loose attitude about fire safety in the frum world (leaving Shabbos and Chanukah candles burning, hot plates on for 3-day Yom Tov stretches). What’s the right approach here? Sincerely, Morgan Dear Morgan- Thanks for your question. I’m with you on […]

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Why is Davening So Repetitive?

Dear JITC- One thing I struggle with is davening. Why do we normally only daven for Jewish people? I like variety and new things, why do we have to say the same words over and over again? Also, in the past, I really davened for important things that then didn’t come about, where does that […]

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What Does Judaism Believe About Politics and Government?

Dear Jew in the City- Does Judaism have any opinions on politics or government? Are there Jewish Sources on how to deal with it and what our role should be? Thank you, Al Dear Al – Thanks for your question. Let’s first deal with our own form of government. Some people mistakenly think that the […]

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Did Rivkah Really Get Married At Three Years Old?

Hey JITC- Rivka got engaged at three years old? How are we supposed to understand this? Best, Emily Dear Emily- Thanks for your question. I’m gratified that you said “engaged” rather than married because that’s a huge difference. The idea that Rivka was three is not the only opinion but it’s been popularized because it’s […]

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Did The Maharal Really Build a Golem?

Hey Jew in the City- Was the Golem real? Have any been attempted since the Maharal? What’s the source for this? Thanks, Frankie Dear Frankie- Thanks for your question. This is one of those areas where I feel that, for many people, I’m not the right person to answer their question. On the other hand, for […]

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