
Are Orthodox Jews Allowed To Kiss and Tell?

Dear Jew in the City, Are there any laws that tell people not to talk about their intimate lives? What are the exceptions? Sincerely, Hannah   Dear Hannah, There are indeed such laws, and you’ve probably heard of them. Collectively, such laws are referred to as “tzniyus.” “Hey!” I hear you say. “Tzniyus refers to the […]

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How Much Separation Does Halacha Require Between Men and Women?

Dear Jew in the City, How much separation does halacha require between men and women? Best, Jacob   Dear Jacob, Thanks for your question. The answer is both objective and subjective. First let’s establish that separating the genders, at least on some occasions, is not a modern, Medieval, or even Talmudic innovation. It was practiced […]

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Are Jews Allowed to Get Drunk?

Dear Jew in the City, Are Jews allowed to get drunk? Sincerely, Eva   Dear Eva, Thanks for your question. It’s funny; normally we’re asked about whether there’s truly an obligation to get drunk on Purim. We’re never asked about whether this is permitted on a regular Thursday night or whatever. That’s probably a question that should […]

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Why Do We Eat Dairy on Shavuos?

Dear Jew in the City, Why do we eat dairy on Shavuos? Thanks, Maya   Dear Maya, Thanks for your question. You know, I’ve been fielding questions on Jew in the City for a decade this August and this is the first time this has come up! Frankly, I’m surprised. Eating dairy on Shavuos is not […]

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Can You Get A Second Opinion In Matters of Jewish Law?

Dear JITC, I know you’re not meant to “shop around” in matters of getting a psak (a ruling in a matter of Jewish law). But can you ever seek a second opinion and, if so, how? Best, Josh — Dear Josh, Thanks for your question. It dovetails very nicely with another topic that we discussed […]

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What Are The Rules of Being an Orthodox Jew?

Dear Rabbi JITC, “What are the rules of being an Orthodox Jew?” -Nathaniel Dear Nathaniel, Now that’s an interesting question. First, I want to give a caveat that halacha (Jewish law) isn’t intended just for “Orthodox Jews”; it’s intended for Jews, full stop. All throughout the Biblical era, the Talmudic era, etc., Jews were just […]

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