
How Quitting Porn Gave Me A Newfound Respect For Women

I never considered myself a misogynist, but several years ago, during my senior year of college as I headed to yeshiva, I began taking on a number of wonderful Jewish observances. It was at that time that I learned about shmiras eynaim, the responsibility of Jewish men and women to treat their eyes and ears as […]

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Do Orthodox Jews Have Sex Through A Hole in the Sheet?

There is a misconception that Orthodox Judaism calls for a repressive, ascetic life and that sex between a married couple is only meant for procreation. This could not be further from the truth. Judaism believes that we are supposed to be in the physical world and then elevate it to the spiritual. In the proper […]

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If You Want To Strengthen Your Faith, Antisemites Can Help

As the Jews prepare to receive the Torah this Shavuos, let’s be honest – faith is harder to come by than ever. In a world where science has almost everything figured out, who needs God? In a time where it is exceedingly uncomfortable to see our nation as different from others, how could we believe […]

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Why Judaism Believes In Laurel AND Yanny

If you haven’t been living under a rock for the last twenty-four hours, you have already heard of the Laurel/Yanny debate which exploded online after a Reddit user posted an audio clip which sounds like “Yanny” to some and “Laurel” to others. (Team Laurel over here!) There are even those who hear both or a […]

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