
Is Giving Presents On Chanukah A Problem?

Dear Jew in the City, Is it a problem to give and get gifts on Chanukah? Why do we do it? Sincerely, Cindy Dear Cindy, Thanks very much for your question. I have complicated feelings regarding the practice of exchanging gifts on Chanukah. On the one hand, I really like to give gifts; it’s kind […]

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2,200 Year-Old Coin Discovery Proves Story of Chanukah

For far too long, the stories of persecution against the Jewish people have been brushed aside as exaggerations or even complete falsehood. Despite Antiochus IV Epiphane having been a real historical figure — as is the Hasmonean War — there are elements of the Chanukah story which have been met with skepticism. That is now […]

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How Serious An Illness Must You Have To Break Shabbos?

Dear Jew in the City, I was told you can only seek medical help on Shabbos if you’re certain it’s life or death. Is there more leniency you can rely on? Sincerely, Chani Dear Chani, Thanks for your question. Before I address it, I want to make two things clear: (1) here, we answer questions […]

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This Photographer Showcases Joy In Hasidim That The Media Misses

We stumbled upon Ruchy Lebovits’s Instagram account – @ruchyl_photography – by happy accident. After scrolling through her page, we knew we had to talk with her and introduce our followers to her and her platform. What is unique about her photography portfolio? There are many family photographers in the world, but Ruchy has carved out […]

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