
Should I Make Aliyah? A Nefesh B’Nefesh Representative Advises

Florida, North Carolina, New York, Georgia…each day it seems like a different state is reporting antisemitism— numbers are increasing rapidly. We just marked Yom HaShoah — Holocaust Remembrance Day — a time devoted to ensuring a terror even remotely in that realm doesn’t happen again.  With stories percolating that feel eerie, much like pre-Holocaust times, the possibility […]

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Does Making Aliyah Bring Moshiach?

Dear Jew in the City- Are all Jews meant to be in Israel right now, or in general before Moshiach comes? And if we are, is that said to make his arrival come faster? – Eden Dear Eden, Thanks for your question. For an answer, I’m going to give a qualified “no.”  The concept you’re […]

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Ethiopian Jewish Woman, Mazi Pilip’s, Journey To Israel

Mazi Pilip is a county legislator in Nassau County. She and Allison connected at an End Jew Hatred event. Ethiopian-born, Mazi was a participant in Operation Solomon (1991) as a child, which airlifted 14,000 Ethiopian Jews in jumbo jets to Israel. She moved to the United States in adulthood. Ethiopian Jews have a rich history […]

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2,200 Year-Old Coin Discovery Proves Story of Chanukah

For far too long, the stories of persecution against the Jewish people have been brushed aside as exaggerations or even complete falsehood. Despite Antiochus IV Epiphane having been a real historical figure — as is the Hasmonean War — there are elements of the Chanukah story which have been met with skepticism. That is now […]

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Why Is Jerusalem So Special to the Jewish People?

Dear Jew in the City, Why is Jerusalem so special to the Jewish people? Sincerely, Michelle Dear Michelle, Thanks for your question. I could start the story of Jerusalem with the creation of the world (see, for example, Bereishis Rabbah 14:8, cited by Rashi on Genesis 2:7) or with Avraham (Jerusalem being where the akeidah […]

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