
11 Tisha B’Av Calamities

The culmination of the Three Weeks, an annual time of mourning the destruction of The Beis HaMikdash (Holy Temple) is Tisha b’Av. It is the saddest day of the Jewish year and the most calamitous in our history. So great was our pain on this day as a nation, that each year we commemorate it […]

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Do I Have to Stay up All Night Long on Shavuos?

Dear Jew in the City, As I get older, it gets hard to stay up all night long on Shavuos to learn. So am I obligated to? And where does this idea come from? Sincerely, So Tired   Dear So Tired, Shavuos is in many ways an atypical holiday. There are three Festivals in the […]

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