1 Minute Insight: Isn’t Shemini Atzeres A Bit Superfluous?
After two months of Yomim Tovim, why do we have one more holiday in Shemini Atzeres?
After two months of Yomim Tovim, why do we have one more holiday in Shemini Atzeres?
The Mishna in Sukkah relates that “He who has not seen the rejoicing at the Place of the Water-Drawing has never seen rejoicing in his life.” The Siloam Spring in Jerusalem, pictured above, was the source of water for the Simchas Beis HaShoeva, or Rejoicing in the House of Water Drawing, a ceremony which took […]
Dear Jew in the City, I know that I’m supposed to resolve my differences with people this time of year, but I don’t know what to do. There’s someone I know who will do a perfunctory apology like they do every year, but it will be insincere. This individual has a history of hurting me […]
Isn’t dipping one sweet thing into another sweet thing redundant? Here’s why the apple’s sweetness is different than the honey’s.
Ever wondered why is honey sweeter than apples? The secret is in how we obtain it.
Just as you have to pass by the thorn to get to the beauty of the rose, so follows the process of teshuva during the month of Elul.