
You Won’t Believe the Miracles This Hostage Experienced in Gaza

Omer Shem Tov was only 21 years old when he was abducted from the Nova Music Festival on October 7. As Hamas terrorists murdered innocent concertgoers and launched their assault on surrounding kibbutzim – resulting in the tragic deaths of over 1,200 people – Omer was captured with his friends Maya and Itay Regev. While […]

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The Orthodox Jew Who Convinced Abraham Lincoln To Run For President

Abraham Lincoln is often remembered as the president that ended slavery in the United States and is lesser known for his kindness towards Jews and the friendships he forged with them. Lincoln’s senate portrait was taken by a Jewish photographer, and he supported Jews in their endeavor to work as army chaplains and military officers. One of Lincoln’s close friends was an Orthodox Jew, Abraham Jonas. Jonas and Lincoln most likely met while Jonas was serving in the […]

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