
Can Orthodox Women Be Rabbis?

People have asked me to write about this topic for quite some time, but I have always hesitated because I knew that the moment I put words onto the screen, I would get complaints from those to the right and to the left of me. It is the perpetual problem of a person who tries […]

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Can Orthodox Jews Listen To Secular Music?

Dear Jew in the City, Thank you for this wonderful site. As a “frum BT,” (returnee to observance) for over 30 years, I have continued listening to and relaxing to my favorite type of music (from before I became “frum“) namely soft rock i.e. love songs with feelings. I am 50, married for 27 years […]

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How Can You Honor Bad Parents?

Dear Jew in the City, I know that the Torah tells us to honor our parents. But what is one to do when those parents are not good parents. When they hardly raise you, possibly resent you and are often distant?  If a child is neglected or even hated by his mother- how is he to […]

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Are Jewish Rituals Passé?

Dear Jew in the City, Someone told me that the mitzvos don’t count anymore – all God wants is our goodness. Why else did the prophet Micah say: “What does God require of you?  Only to do justly love, mercy, and walk humbly with thy God?” Why did he say “only.” Also, I know there’s […]

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Why Are Some Changes To Judaism Acceptable & Others Are Not?

Dear Jew in the City, Why does Orthodox Judaism consider some changes – like Maimonides’ approach, kabbalah, or the Chasidic movement as “kosher,” but things like the Karaites’ philosophy and other non-Orthodox movements throughout history as non-acceptable changes? Thank you, Wondering in L.A.   Dear Wondering in L.A. Thanks for your question. It reminds me […]

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Why Do Some Rabbis Claim To Know The Reason For Suffering?

Dear Jew in the City, A terrible tragedy befell the Jewish people this week when seven innocent children were killed in a fire in Brooklyn. As we mourn and attempt to comfort each other through this great sorrow I have heard that there are rabbis who claim to “know” the reason these precious souls were […]

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