
Is Judaism a Religion, a Race or a Cultural Identity?

Dear JITC- I’m confused as to whether being Jewish is a religion, a race, a cultural identity or all three. If it’s not a race, then how come Jewishness is inherited? All the best, Miranda Dear Miranda- Thanks for your question. This is a tricky topic so let’s define what things are. A race is […]

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Can You Feel Out A Rabbi’s Opinion Before Committing to Follow It?

Dear JITC- Is there a way to feel out a rabbi’s opinion on something before committing to following their psak? Best, Shterna Dear Shterna- You’ve probably heard that one is not permitted to “shop around” for a psak (ruling) that one likes; rather, one should have a rav whose positions one follows consistently. But what’s […]

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What is Shabbos Nachamu?

Dear Jew in the City- What is Shabbos Nachamu? I know it’s the Shabbos after Tisha b’Av but what’s the point of it? Are you supposed to do anything on it? Thanks! Sincerely, Cici Dear Cici- For the three Shabboses leading up to Tisha b’Av, we read haftaros of admonition – two from Jeremiah and […]

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Why Can’t I Eat Foods Without Kosher Certification?

Hi JITC- I’m traveling a lot this summer and there may not be kosher food everywhere. Why isn’t it good enough to just read the ingredients and make sure there is nothing forbidden in the product? Sincerely, B.B. Dear B.B.- Thanks for your question. Once upon a time, it certainly was sufficient to check the […]

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I Fell Away From Observance, How Do I Find My Way Back?

Dear JITC, I grew up in a secular Jewish home, and converted to Orthodox Judaism in my twenties (I converted because my mother wasn’t Jewish, only my father). Initially I was so gung-ho and extremely meticulous and passionate about my observance, I was on such a spiritual high and it was amazing. But it was […]

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Is It Permissible To Bathe Dirty Children on Shabbos?

Hi Jew in the City- The kids get so dirty on these hot, long Shabbosim. Is there any permitted way to bathe a child on Shabbos? If so, until what age? Thank you, Serena Dear Serena- I’m writing this on the fast of 17 Tammuz, when it’s 94 degrees in NY, and yesterday – which […]

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