
Is It Permissible To Bathe Dirty Children on Shabbos?

Hi Jew in the City- The kids get so dirty on these hot, long Shabbosim. Is there any permitted way to bathe a child on Shabbos? If so, until what age? Thank you, Serena Dear Serena- I’m writing this on the fast of 17 Tammuz, when it’s 94 degrees in NY, and yesterday – which […]

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What Does Judaism Say About Wearing Fur?

Hi JITC- Fur is being banned in NYC. This obviously affects all the Hasidic Jews. What’s the Torah opinion on fur? Thanks, Dana Dear Dana- Thanks for your question. Let me clarify the matter for those not in the know. The sale of fur is being considered for a ban in New York City; wearing […]

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How Can The Torah Command Us Not To Be Jealous?

Dear JITC- How can the Torah command me to not be jealous of our neighbor? How am I supposed to control my feelings? Thanks, R.Z. Dear R.Z.- Thanks for your question. I assume that you’re referring to Exodus 20:14, the last of the “Ten Commandments,” which is the prohibition against coveting, though, really, you could […]

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Does Shomer Negiah Have Allowances for Work or Medical Reasons?

Dear JITC- I work at a school and a nurse there needed to perform a medical procedure and refused to because it meant touching a woman. Does halacha require someone to avoid touching the opposite sex even for work or medical procedures? Sincerely, Bassie Dear Bassie- I am so confused by this question. The nurse […]

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What’s the Real Difference Between Prayers and Wishes?

Hi Jew in the City- With the Aladdin remake in theaters, it made me wonder what’s the real difference between prayers and wishes? I know that Hashem is no genie to do our bidding, but sometimes I wonder about the limits of what we’re supposed to pray for. What do Jewish sources say? Sincerely, Jessica […]

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