
Have We Reached 1930’s Germany? A Historian Weighs In

We’re living through unprecedented times in America. In my lifetime, I hoped I would never see the vitriol and antisemitic that my Jewish ancestors went through. I felt confident that “never again” really meant never again. Jews would never go through the persecution of the past. The truth and goodness of the Jewish people I […]

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Will The Coming Of Moshiach Affect Passover?

Dear Jew in the City, How will we celebrate Pesach after Moshiach comes? Sincerely, Isaac   Dear Isaac, Thanks for your question, though I wonder exactly what prompts it. I have two hypotheses, which I’ll address separately. It could be that you’re asking whether Pesach will still be a holiday when Moshiach comes. This is […]

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Are Jews Required To Fight In Israel’s Wars?

Dear Jew in the City, Is there an obligation from a Jewish law perspective to defend the land of Israel in battle? If so, why is there a large group that refuses to fight? Sincerely, Edith   Dear Edith, Thanks for your question, which is more timely than you may realize. (In fact, it’s so […]

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What is the point of Prayer When God Knows What We Want?

Dear Jew in the City, Why does Hashem need our prayers, especially when He already knows what we want and need? Why is prayer so important? Sincerely, Rachel   Dear Rachel, Thanks for your question. Unfortunately, you’ve got things backwards. God is complete and perfect; we’ve got nothing to offer Him that He “needs.” Sure, […]

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Which Jewish Prophecies Have Come True?

Dear Jew in the City, What are the prophecies that were set to transpire in exile? Is there anything we’ve seen in Jewish history so far that matches up to that? Sincerely, Rafi   Dear Rafi, Thanks for your question. We’ve discussed prophecies before, so I’ll share with you a few of my favorites, and […]

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