
Does Freeing Hostages Take Precedence Over Other Mitzvot?

Dear Jew in the City, Are there specific circumstances under which the mitzvah of freeing hostages takes precedence over other mitzvot? Sincerely, Aaron Dear Aaron, Thanks for your question. You want to know if the mitzvah of freeing hostages ever takes priority? It almost always takes priority! The story of pidyon shvuyim (the mitzvah of […]

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Pogrom In Pico Robertson: How Bad Does It Have To Get?

This past Sunday, a pogrom occurred in Los Angeles, when an Israeli real estate event scheduled at Adas Torah (a local synagogue in the Orthodox neighborhood of Pico Robertson) had Hamas supporters come to the streets trying to stop it. They were masked in keffiyehs and armed with bear spears. At least one Jewish man […]

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Is There A Blessing To Recite When A Captive Is Released?

Dear Jew in the City, Is there a blessing to recite when a captive is released? Thank you, Eliana – Dear Eliana, Thanks for your question. Brachos (blessings) are recited on a number of special occasions. We recite brachos on natural phenomena like thunder and lightning, and upon seeing a rainbow. We recite brachos on […]

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What Is Zionism?

Dear Jew in the City, What is Zionism? Did it just start as a political movement 100 years ago or is it based more deeply on Jewish thought? Sincerely, Jessica – Dear Jessica, Thanks for your question. Zionism is the belief that Jews, just like other peoples, have the right to self-determination, specifically in their […]

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