
How Do We Refute Horrid Rumors About The Talmud?

Dear Jew In the City,  Some horrid information has been spread about the Talmud on X this last week. How do we refute it? Sincerely, Ella – Dear Ella, Thanks for your question. First let’s discuss the general topic of misinformation and disinformation. There are a lot of ways that a message can get garbled. […]

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Is the Defamation of Israel Paving Way for the Moshiach?

Dear Jew in the City, Is the world supposed to be upside down before Moshiach comes? How are people accusing Israel of doing the horrific things Hamas has done?  Sincerley, Oren   Dear Oren, Thanks for your questions. I’m breaking it down into three parts, which I’ll address separately: (1) “Is the world supposed to […]

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How Can We Prove Jewish People Value Life and Peace?

Dear Jew in the City, Too much of the world believes that Jews are bloodthirsty baby killers. What Jewish sources are there to show that we value life, peace, and righteousness? Sincerely, Shira   Dear Shira, Thanks for your question. There’s only one such source, and it’s called the Torah. As Pirkei Avos says regarding […]

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Is This Hamas War the War of Gog and Magog?

Dear Jew in the City, Is this Hamas war the war of Gog and Magog? How will we recognize it? Sincerely, David Thanks for your question, David. First, let’s address what the war of Gog and Magog is. Many people are under the misconception that “the war of Gog and Magog” refers to a conflict […]

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Are Orthodox Jews (Or Hasidic Jews) Part Of A Cult?

The word “cult” is trending right now in conjunction with the words “Orthodox Jews.” We can likely thank Julia Haart for that uptick on Google, as she’s the anti-Jewish gift that keeps on giving. I haven’t watched season 2 of My Unorthodox Life yet. I already gave up too many brain cells on watching most […]

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A History of How Jews Erase Themselves To Meet Gentile Expectations

In recent years, there’s been a growing trend towards minority appreciation and pride. Ethnic names and hairstyles are being used and worn more frequently. Religious symbols like saris, hijabs and Sikh turbans are being featured more prominently in popular media. Yet Jewishness has not had the same popularization: Jews are still mocked in the media, […]

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