
This Couple Started Observing Shabbat Because of Covid

Over the past few months, Covid-19 has shut down synagogues, forced minyans to move outdoors and kept many people home alone for the holidays. But for Robyn and Gregg Stern, Covid did something quite unexpected. It was the impetus for them to commit to being shomer Shabbos. “My wife and I had an ‘a-ha’ moment,” […]

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Remembering Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Shannon Nuszen: From Missionary to Observant Jew Shannon Nuszen, a former Evangelical missionary, is today a Torah-observant Jew. In light of the recent controversy in Israel concerning the now-defunct missionizing Shelanu TV program – an offshoot of the widespread GOD TV – both directed especially at Jews, I wanted to find out what spreading the […]

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