
The Traditional Jewish Roots Kirk Douglas Left And Then Returned To

Screen icon, Kirk Douglas, died yesterday at age 103. Born Issur Danielovitch to a Russian Jewish immigrant family, he built an incredible 87-film-long career and is beloved worldwide for his performances in films like Spartacus, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Paths of Glory and Lust for Life. He received an Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement […]

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How Herman Wouk’s Orthodox Judaism Defined His Life

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Herman Wouk z”l passed away late Thursday night at almost 104 years old. The author of The Caine Mutiny, War and Rememberance and This is My God was a WWII veteran who fought in the Pacific and went on to win accolades for his writing. Rabbi Yonason Denebeim has known Wouk for […]

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Tamir Goodman’s Grandmother: The Superwoman Holocaust Survivor

Today is my grandmother’s 96th birthday! Here is what she taught me: Up until last month I viewed my grandmother (Savta) as super-human. I was well aware that she survived horrific and unimaginable horrors during the Holocaust and that she suffered unthinkable pain in the concentration camps. And I also knew that after finally surviving […]

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