
Orthodox Jews: Here’s How to Stop Making a Chillul Hashem

Baruch C. Cohen, a Los Angeles civil litigation attorney, has taken a special interest in creating awareness in the community about the dangers of chillul Hashem, which literally means a “desecration of God’s name” and is used when a Jew does something that bring shames to Judaism. “I appear in court, state and federal, and […]

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Why The Child Victims Act Is A Win For Orthodox Jews

This week, history was made when lawmakers in Albany finally agreed to loosen New York state’s statute of limitations for molestation survivors, known as the Child Victim Act. This breakthrough came about after a long and arduous battle by child sex abuse survivors and their advocates, going up against a state with one of the […]

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Dear Minnie Driver- It’s Not Nice To Mock Hasidic Jews

Dear Minnie- I am the founder and director of Jew in the City, a non-profit which reverses negative associations about religious Jews by highlighting an approach based on kindness, tolerance, sincerity, and critical thinking and makes engaging and meaningful Orthodox Judaism known and accessible. I discovered you, with the rest of the world, in 1997 […]

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Ariana Grande: Why Men Need To Keep Their Hands To Themselves

A few days ago, I started seeing headlines of a bishop at Aretha Franklin’s funeral inappropriately touching singer Ariana Grande during a speech he gave after her performance. Pastor Charles H. Ellis III’s “friendly” hug quickly turned into an uncomfortable grope. The Twittersphere exploded with words of disgust, people calling on the bishop to apologize. As […]

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