
A Sit Down With The Star and Producer of Jewish Matchmaking

At first glance, reality TV and Orthodox Judaism seem like an odd pair. Yet, in Netflix’s new show, Jewish Matchmaking, sparks are flying. A refreshing breath of fresh air in a marred television climate that almost solely shows negative depictions of Orthodox Jews, Jewish Matchmaking is an honest and real portrayal of the beautiful Jewish […]

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Walmart Schedules Important B2B Event On Passover Eve

Wherever you fall on the religious spectrum, the day of the Passover seder is busy. You’re either frantically working to make sure your seder is all good to go, hurrying to finish work so you can get where you’re going on time or traveling trying to make it to a new destination. When hosting, there […]

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In Response To Vogue’s “Torah-Teacher Aesthetic”

Why Are Long Skirts Only Fashionable Outside of a Jewish Lens? When I was becoming more Jewishly observant, one of the last things I gave up were my jeans. While some girls were happily tossing theirs overboard, I held tightly onto mine. For so long, they were me. After a trip to Israel I went […]

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