
A Little Bit of Oil Can Go a Long Way: How Jews Defeat Defeatism

Would you set out on an important road trip if you only had enough gas for the first 20 miles and no forseeable way of filling your car up for a week? If you were a Maccabee you would. I recently started wondering why the Jews decided to light the menorah with the paltry sum of oil they found. Why bother lighting an eternal light that you […]

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Candlelight: How Chanukah Connects the Finite to the Infinite

When Chanukah came on Tuesday night, I was drained like I haven’t been drained in quite some time. My baby had begun teething the night before and had woken up half a dozen times. My older son (who’s been screaming out randomly at night) also woke up several times. Despite barely sleeping, I had to […]

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How Mothers Can Connect to Spirituality During The High Holidays

“How was your yontiff?” “Great! I made an amazing new recipe from Kosher Kourageous…” “What about you, did you invest in yourself?” “Sure, I got some new clothes.” “What about spiritually?” “Well, I went to shul with the kids to hear the shofar, and I made it through the fast, but you know how it […]

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Five Fast Facts About Shofars

The month of Elul has crept up on us, taking us on the annual plunge from summer fun to pre-Yom Tov planning. Beyond arranging for menus and buying new outfits, Elul is the season of Cheshbon Hanefesh – the accounting of our actions we do each year, in order to prepare for Rosh Hashana spiritually. […]

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How to Fit An Accounting of the Soul Into Your Busy Elul

I was listening to a podcast the other day about the importance of maintenance (in business, specifically, but also in all areas of life), and how easy it is to drift off course incrementally if you’re not paying attention. This is something that I find directly relevant to my life as an Orthodox Jewish woman. […]

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The Anti-Semite Who Reminded Me That It was Tisha B’Av

“I can’t fall asleep,” my son told me as he walked into my room one evening last week. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “We watched a movie about the Holocaust today in camp,” he explained. The Holocaust, I thought – giving Jewish children nightmares since the Holocaust. It was the right thing to show at camp, since […]

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