
Jew in the City Returns To Sundance!

For the second year in a row, Jew in the City is hosting a panel on Jewish representation at Sundance Film Festival on Sunday, January 21 at 11:30AM. This year’s panel is called: Sects, Lies and Videotape: Debunking deadly tropes about Jews and Israel in TV, film and media. Its panelists included Israeli actress, producer […]

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Israeli Technology Confirms Bible Event from Book of Kings

In a time when it seems like the world is turning against us, when people all over are crying out that a Jewish state shouldn’t exist, we keep getting gifts that show us just how true to the land we are. (If only others would take note!) The discovery by researchers at four Israeli universities […]

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How To Debate An Anti-Zionist In 5 Easy Steps

I have tried engaging in rational dialogue on social media with detractors of Israel on many occasions, only to be met with personal or national death threats. So I mostly just block and delete Jew haters these days. But when I do engage, here’s what it sounds like. Them: Palestinians were there first. Me: Actually, […]

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