
No, Deportations of Illegal Immigrants Is Not Like The Holocaust

President Trump has issued a lot of executive orders in his first week plus in office. Depending on how you voted, you’re either devastated or thrilled. As we don’t discuss politics on this site, I will not be commenting on my political views, but there was one executive order that caught my attention on Holocaust […]

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Sundance Makes A[n Anti-Israel] Statement

Editor’s Note: In 2023 and 2024, JITC Hollywood Bureau held the first ever official Sundance panels on Jewish representation (to standing room only crowds – watch them here). We very much enjoyed working with the team at Sundance and got tremendous feedback from the audiences. However, at last year’s festival, a large group of protesters […]

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This Hasidic Lawyer Helped End The Poll Tax

“I was their star teaching fellow but I couldn’t get a teaching job,” said Aaron Twerski. Looking the way he looked — like a Hasidic Jew — made it difficult for Twerski to attain a professor appointment at Harvard Law School, despite glowing reviews. Twerski went onto a pivotal role at the U.S. Department of […]

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Let My People Go, But At What Price?

Dear Jew in the City, With the pending hostage deal, does Jewish philosophy discuss if we should save lives if it means letting dangerous people free and sacrificing more lives? Thanks, Daniel Dear Daniel, Thanks for your question. This is indeed a topic of conversation, but there are a lot of moving parts and no […]

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Does Judaism Have A Concept of Inaugurations?

Dear Jew in the City, With the Presidential Inauguration coming up, I was wondering what Judaism has to say about inaugurations, especially of a new king, and was the transition of power always smooth? Curious in Georgia Dear Curious in Georgia, Well, for starters, kings don’t have inaugurations, they have coronations, but let’s call that a […]

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