
Why Are We Forced To Be Sad in the Three Weeks?

Dear Jew in the City, Why are we forced to be sad in the Three Weeks? Best, Aaron Thanks for your question, Aaron. For those who may not be aware, the Three Weeks is a period of increasing mourning that runs from the seventeenth day of the month of Tammuz through the ninth day of […]

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How and Why Did the Yiddish Language Come To Be?

Dear Jew in the City, How and why did the Yiddish language come to be? Best, Liza   Dear Liza, Thanks for your question. A few months ago, we discussed Ladino (“Judeo-Spanish”), so I guess it’s only fair that we discuss its Ashkenazic counterpart. The Yiddish language is over a thousand years old. Literally meaning “Jewish,” […]

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Historic Sabbath SCOTUS Ruling Builds On Founding Freedom Of Religion

Last week, in a unanimous decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Sabbath accommodations in the workplace, ruling that accommodation is required unless it causes a substantial burden to the employer’s business. But how did a country founded on religious freedoms take almost 250 years to adequately protect Sabbath observance in professional spaces? […]

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6 Must-Try Items from Kosherpalooza

If you were at last week’s Kosherpalooza, you know how awesome it was. Tons of food from so many vendors lined the walls and Instagram celebs milled about at this kosher consumer show. I was swept up in the joyful energy and shared love everyone had for really good, interesting and delicious kosher food. Here, some […]

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Sara Braun: How A Born Black Jew Became Hasidic

Judaism is not simply a religion: We are a tribe, an ethnicity, an extended family, as well as a faith system. The misconception that Jews are only a religion or are all white continues to be pervasive, but there are more and more Jews speaking out about the complex nature of our identity. One of […]

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