
What Is The Point of Inviting Ushpizin to Our Sukkah?

Hi JITC- What is the point of inviting these guests to our sukkah? Thanks, Max Dear Max- Thanks for your question. I see from the subject line of your message that “these guests” refers not to your corporeal yom tov guests but to the Ushpizin. “Ushpizin” is an Aramaic word that means guests. Aramaic is […]

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Beautiful Sukkah Designs

Seven Beautiful Sukkah Designs You Have to See

While Purim gets much of the credit for being the Jewish holiday for expressing artistic skills, Sukkos is underrated as a time of year when creativity can thrive. With many rules inherent in sukkah building, many people stick to the wood, laminate, canvas or lattice walls that are relatively easy-to-build and that meet the halachic […]

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Why Do We Shake the Lulav and Other Arba Minim on Sukkot?

This week I’m going to do something different. I’m going take two questions that were submitted separately and combine them into a single post because (a) they’re related and (b) my answers are relatively brief.   The first question is: Dear Jew in the City, “Why do we shake the lulav and other arba minim […]

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This Female Heart Surgeon is Also an Orthodox Jew

Orthodox women are often stereotyped as being nothing more than a slave to the household, relegated to standing in the back of a shul. The thing is, many Orthodox women take pride in the way they take care of the home, where they pray — and there are many that do so much in addition […]

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