
Why Do Orthodox Jews Tend to Marry at a Younger Age?

Hi JITC- Why do Orthodox Jews tend to marry at a younger age? Thank you, Alec Dear Alec- We’re going to be able to keep this one short and sweet because it’s pretty straightforward for a change. The reason Orthodox Jews tend to marry at a younger age is because they’re normal. Jewish law doesn’t […]

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How Will Covid Affect Purim This Year?

Dear JITC- How will Covid affect Purim this year? Thank you, Rachel E. Dear Rachel E. – “I am no prophet, nor am I the son of a prophet….” – Amos 7:14 In other words, “How should I know?” Honestly, last Purim did any of us have any idea what Pesach would look like? Or […]

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How Does the Torah Say We’re Supposed to Treat Our Enemy?

Hi JITC- People are having a hard time being decent to people they disagree with these days. How does the Torah say we’re supposed to treat our enemy? Thanks, Michelle Dear Michelle- I don’t always have the full context of a reader’s question and am sometimes left to infer some details. In this particular instance, […]

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What Jewish Sources Give Us Permission to Question?

Dear Jew in the City- As a child, my questions were silenced. I was told to just believe and not question. As I have gotten older, I have met Orthodox Jews who encourage questioning. But I’m still not sure it’s ok. What sources give us permission to question? Thanks, Chaya M. Dear Chaya M. – […]

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Do Parents Have Any Obligations to Their Children According to Judaism?

Dear Jew in the City- Judaism requires children to have certain obligations towards their parents with honoring one’s mother and father. Do parents have any obligations to their children? Thanks, RR Dear RR- Thanks very much for your question. While it seems rather straightforward, I suspect from your juxtaposition to the obligation of honoring parents […]

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