
Is There Religious Significance If Someone Dies On Rosh Hashana?

Dear Jew in the City-

Is there religious significance if someone dies on Rosh Hashana or Erev Rosh Hashana?


Dear Josh-

Thanks for your question, which I assume was motivated by Justice Ginsburg’s passing. A lot of people online are saying that it’s a sign of righteousness. The rationale underlying this is that a person who passes on Rosh Hashana got to complete an entire year. I don’t see anyone citing a source for this, however. Even if there is a source for it somewhere, it’s certainly not a major principle of our faith.

Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Educational Correspondent
Follow Ask Rabbi Jack on YouTube

A Note From Allison: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg z’l was not Sabbath observant herself, but she did support Jew in the City All Star, Rochelle Shoretz, z’l, the first female Orthodox Jewish Supreme Court clerk, and made sure she got out every week in time for Shabbos (see clip below). At Rochelle’s shiva, her parents told me that Rochelle put up a mezuzah in RBG’s Supreme Court office. May both of their memories be for a blessing.

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