
The Hasidic Heroes of Covid Plasma Donation & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

The Female Torah-Teaching Genius of Cleveland
Absent public roles, only their students—and their students’ students, and those who hear the legends—know about these women. On May 10, we lost one such woman, a scholar and teacher and shaper of lives. Rebbetzin Chaya Ausband, founder and dean of Yavne Teachers College for Women in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, died at the age of 96.

Orthodox and Hasidic Jewish Communities Account For Half of All Plasma Donations in COVID-19 Fight
While still experimental, early results from clinical trials show plasma transfusions are both safe and effective against COVID-19. The therapy transfuses antibody-rich plasma from recovered patients into sick patients, and many of the donors who are coming forward are members of Orthodox and Hasidic Jewish communities.

Coronavirus and Prayer: Embracing the Impact of the Virus on All of Us
As the coronavirus numbers decline and society reopens – please God, let there not be a second wave – we might take some time to reflect on the crisis we have shared since Purim. It has been an extraordinary three months across the globe, with heartbreaking stories of suffering, death and economic hardship, along with untold acts of courage, heroism and chesed.

Kosher Stores, Synagogues, Vandalized and Looted in LA Protests
A number of kosher stores and synagogues were vandalized and looted in the uptown Los Angeles neighborhood of Fairfax by people protesting police brutality following the killing last week of George Floyd, an African-American man, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Some of the synagogues damaged as a result of vandalism, graffiti and looting by protesters include some of the most well-known and populated Orthodox shuls in Los Angeles.

Jewish Family Services Keeps Kosher at Stamford Food Pantry
The food pantry has been supplying hundreds of families in lower Fairfield County with much-needed meals, groceries and other essential items, as well as providing mental health services and counseling to those less fortunate in the community. The pantry provides home delivery of prepared meals to individuals and families without transportation as well.

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