keter Beautiful Sukkah Designs

Seven Beautiful Sukkah Designs You Have to See

While Purim gets much of the credit for being the Jewish holiday for expressing artistic skills, Sukkos is underrated as a time of year when creativity can thrive. With many rules inherent in sukkah building, many people stick to the wood, laminate, canvas or lattice walls that are relatively easy-to-build and that meet the halachic requirements without question. Others take this time of year as a chance to create artistic living spaces and dwellings that are beautiful enough to want to have around year-round. Take a peek at these extraordinary sukkahs, some of which seem to even defy gravity!

This sukkah was a finalist in the Sukkah City competition in New York City a few years ago. It is made entirely from wooden shims and provides a nearly transparent effect, appearing the same from all sides, including the schach. While privacy is key for some, others might love the innovative design.



Want convenience along with elegance? This sukkah is built into a patio in an Australian home. With patio furniture that can be used year-round, this space serves as an outdoor living and dining room. Adding a wall, perhaps covered with foliage, is all you would need to do to make this space even more enclosed.



Decor goes minimalist classic in this sukkah, with succulents hanging in glass orbs at varying heights. With these items available at most craft stores and additionally at Target and other popular stores, these decorations provide elegance with a modern feel.




Jerusalem’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel’s sukkah was a concept that originated with the hotel’s design. With uniform, patterned decor and fresh flowers on all of the tables to match and inviting lighting, this sukkah is an advanced evolution of the hotel lobby. Skylights available just beyond the edge of the schach let in even more light.



All of your needs for the holiday are available in this sukkah, with clever built-in cabinetry, racks and storage for glassware, candles and more. Without having to go back to the kitchen for all your entertaining needs, this design is a time saver, aside from providing some useful decor.



With plant-life helping to fill in the space around the walls, this sukkah is transformed into an oasis. String lights, luxuriously set tables and palm leaves transport guests to another place entirely.

Which of these stunning designs is your favorite?

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