
“Mayim Bialik/Blossom Asks: Are Orthodox Jews Sexist?” Episode 6

Mayim Bialik has been a feminist all her life. She is also a proud Jew, but she grew up hearing that Orthodox Jews and Orthodox Judaism is inherently sexist. What Torah sources are there to show that Judaism is actually pro-women? From the Torah to the Talmud to Biblical commentators, there are many examples of how high traditional Judaism values women.

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  • Avatar photo shorty says on July 14, 2009

    very nice!!

  • Avatar photo Aliza Hausman says on July 14, 2009

    Another awesome video. I’ll be crossposting it to my blog!

  • Avatar photo c says on July 15, 2009

    Thank you sooo much for this wondrful insightfull and creative way of explening things…was thinking specialy helpfull for men….jewish males? ups 🙂 toda raba

  • Avatar photo Rochel says on July 15, 2009

    This is great! if I can just make a suggestion — you are talking a bit fast!

  • Avatar photo shira0607 says on July 15, 2009

    I’ll post it to my blog, weatherunderground, and facebook. Awesome video!

  • Avatar photo sharon says on July 15, 2009

    great video! (and i’m not saying that just because i’m a female…)

  • Avatar photo Galina says on July 15, 2009

    This is an adorable video. I love the way you presented it with a lot of humor. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Avatar photo Michael Makovi says on July 16, 2009

    Great video, good humor. (I loved the apple falling from the sky.)
    Your note on the home being the center is of course trenchant and incisive.

  • Avatar photo Victor says on July 16, 2009

    You were crossposted on Jewschool.com. Great video. Thank you for what you do, and slow down a bit 🙂

  • Avatar photo Jennie W. says on August 7, 2009

    Even though I’m Mormon, we’re conservative with most members falling into traditional gender roles. I love your explanation! It’s perfect!

  • Avatar photo Julie Leischner says on June 15, 2010

    Hi there! While I wasn’t raised in Judaism, I really appreciate your handling of the sexism issue. I like what you say about the differences between men and women being differences…not that one is better than the other. ANd yes…we all know who really is in charge at home! Will enjoy following you! I subscribed to your feed:)

  • Avatar photo Diane Richards says on July 14, 2012

    Hi – I just stumbled upon your site & love it. I am a devout Catholic who grew up in Rockland County, NY and went to public schools with a large Jewish population. At one point I worked in Monsey so I came in contact with Orthodox &. Hasidic Jews all the time. Like any other group I found some nicer than others & there were a few oddballs…. Lol.

    What upset me were the teenage brides who had a toddler, infant & were pregnant. Most of them looked miserable & some even told me that they were unhappy. Now I live in Pennsylvania & have contact with Amish & Mennonites & see a lot of the same behaviors-young girls married & bearing children long before they are old enough to purchase alcohol. I don’t like the entrapment of women by any faith/culture using sexist or biased mores.

    Thanks for the very humorous, informative, & well – done videos-they are terrific!

    Keep up the good work!



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