
Orthodox Jewish All Star, Dr. Jeremy England, “The Next Darwin”

Meet Orthodox Jewish All Star – Dr. Jeremy England – award-winning MIT physicist who many call “the next Darwin”!! “I don’t think there is any problem being a scientist while also having a commitment to Hakadosh Baruch Hu and Torah…those who see a strong tension there either need to have a subtler understanding of the […]

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This Orthodox Jewish Woman is a Real-Life Shark Scientist

If you had to choose one marine animal to call the “underdog of the sea,” we have a slight feeling sharks wouldn’t be the first (or tenth) to come to mind. For Yakira Herskowitz, though, it’s a different story. “Sharks are really misunderstood,” she says. Herskowitz became interested in sharks at the age of 11 […]

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Sara Braun: How A Born Black Jew Became Hasidic

Judaism is not simply a religion: We are a tribe, an ethnicity, an extended family, as well as a faith system. The misconception that Jews are only a religion or are all white continues to be pervasive, but there are more and more Jews speaking out about the complex nature of our identity. One of […]

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Orthodox Jewish All Star, Norm Eisen, US Amb To Czech Republic

President Obama appointed Norm Eisen to serve as US Ambassador in the very same country where his mother’s family was decimated in the Holocaust. “The house in which the United States Ambassador lives…was built by a Jewish family and taken over by the [Nazis]… We returned…and put mezuzahs on the door, made the kitchens kosher, […]

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