“Green Eggs, No Ham” (A JITC High Holiday Animated Short)
What happens when Jew in the City (JITC) finds herself in a Dr. Seuss-like world with “Survivor” winner Ethan Zohn? “Green Eggs, No Ham!” Our FIRST animated short
What happens when Jew in the City (JITC) finds herself in a Dr. Seuss-like world with “Survivor” winner Ethan Zohn? “Green Eggs, No Ham!” Our FIRST animated short
Hey Hollywood producers and directors: We Orthodox Jews are not just the punchlines to your jokes. Try meeting us and learning about our nuances.
Last year I had the surreal experience of schlepping tons of video equipment through the bowels of Congress with our film crew to sit down for an exclusive video interview with Senator Joe Lieberman. He made me laugh and left me inspired. Senator Joseph Lieberman, former Vice Presidential Candidate for Al Gore, shares the story […]
Learn how to make my signature Cinnamon, Raisin, Walnut Challah in this fun mother daughter challah baking video. And discover the deeper meaning behind the mitzvah of separating challah (hafrashas challah). This video was sponsored by Mikvah.org
Learn about the tragic story that started Jew in the City creator Allison Josephs on her spiritual journey and why she started Jew in the City.
This is our new behind the scenes JITC spinoff: JITC Unplugged. The NYPost reported on some of the most extreme measures some Orthodox women have taken to make their makeup last on Shabbos in their article “Holy Chic” but it didn’t give the whole story. Here’s JITC’s response.