The Jewish Secret to Financial Freedom
If matza is “the poor man’s bread” why does it represent ultimate freedom?
If matza is “the poor man’s bread” why does it represent ultimate freedom?
“Science doesn’t give answers, it ask questions. And it’s certainly not all questions and not all things are answered.”
“Orthodox Judaism, Torah, I infuse it into my life and it provides a springboard for me to enhance my life, and [it puts] meaning in everything that I do.”
“Every ailment I had had cure in Torah. I had tried everybody else’s path and now it was time to try mine.”
What does a 68-year-old Conservative Jewish man from Cranford, New Jersey have in common with a 42-year-old Hasidic man, originally from London? A kidney. Grab your tissues and see how kindness can break down barriers between communities. To learn how you can donate a kidney please contact
“I try to infuse my books with as many Jewish Values as I can. Being an observant Jew has given me Shabbat, it’s given me community, and it’s given me [this] award.”