What Is The Connection Between Jew in the City And Makom?
People often tell us they don’t understand how JITC and Makom are related. This short video explains. Director of Photography – Elie Gabor elie@eliecreative.com
People often tell us they don’t understand how JITC and Makom are related. This short video explains. Director of Photography – Elie Gabor elie@eliecreative.com
For the first time ever, Universal Recording Artist, Shulem Lemmer, and the Maccabeats will perform a song together at Jew in the City’s 6th Annual All Star Awards Show and Premiere Party on Monday December 2nd at Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, in NYC. Celebrate the accomplishments of ten exceptional observant Jews. Tickets include an […]
Makom makes observant Judaism a positive experience for Jews who grew up with negative Jewish experiences, by showing our members a range of frum communities and allowing them to ask questions in a loving, non-judgmental environment. Help us make Judaism beautiful for many more. It is our annual campaign right now, and we need your […]
Last month, Newmax’s daytime news and political show, Liquid Lunch, invited Allison to speak about the Measles outbreak in the Orthodox Jewish community. Last week, they invited her on again to discuss the rising Anti-Semitic attacks in New York City and around the world, how anti-Zionism and BDS is a form of anti-Semitism, and the […]
As the measles outbreak continues to spread in the hasidic community, and anti-Semitism continues to rise, Newmax, a cable network with over 70 million subscribers invited me to speak on its daily live show called Liquid Lunch. You can catch my interview here.
“If you have faith in something and you want to achieve something, you should just close your eyes, go straight, and get it.”