
The Haredi IDF Brigade That’s Existed For 25 Years

Since the unanimous Israeli Supreme Court historic decision to draft Haredim–starting with 3,000 men–into the IDF last month due to a lack of manpower nine months into the war, tension has increased among Israelis. While controversy stirs around the topic with Haredim often represented as vehemently anti-military, it’s crucial to root back to reality. Sensible, […]

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This NYPost Reporter Wrote An Authentic Novel About Orthodox Jews

Mainstream media loves to glorify stories of Orthodox Jews who flee their communities. Reuven Fenton, a New York Post writer and second time novelist, flips the script on this trope. His new novel Goyhood, distributed by Simon and Schuster, tells the story of Georgia-born Mayer Belkin who thought he was a Jew, but finds out […]

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