
I Internalized The Loss Of Tisha B’Av In My Dream Last Night

I had a dream last night about Tisha B’Av. As one does. And in it I got into a theological conversation with a less observant friend of mine. Theological conversations are not uncommon in my dreams. Occupational hazard, I suppose. We were sitting on the floor – one of the customary ways that Jews mourn, […]

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How Do We Not Lose Hope That Moshiach Hasn’t Come Yet?

Dear Jew in the City- Moshiach hasn’t come for thousands of Tisha b’Avs so far. How do we not lose hope? Thanks, CM Dear CM- Thanks for your question. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. Before I explain what I mean by that, a quick refresher on moshiach, culled from the Rambam’s […]

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What is Shabbos Nachamu?

Dear Jew in the City- What is Shabbos Nachamu? I know it’s the Shabbos after Tisha b’Av but what’s the point of it? Are you supposed to do anything on it? Thanks! Sincerely, Cici Dear Cici- For the three Shabboses leading up to Tisha b’Av, we read haftaros of admonition – two from Jeremiah and […]

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How We Can Love Other Jews and End Our Exile

This time of year, we love to talk about hate. We love to quote the Talmudic passage (Yoma 9b) that says the Second Temple was destroyed because of sinat chinam, usually translated as baseless hatred; we love to talk about increasing ahavat chinam, baseless love, to end the exile that hated began. And we love […]

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Help Us Heal Those Who Were Broken By An Abusive Form Of Judaism

In an unexpected turn of events, my life has become consumed with helping broken people heal, since the launching of Makom a few years ago. My original passion of making Jewish observance accessible and meaningful to non-Orthodox Jews expanded to a new area when I discovered a population that had been hurt by a skewed version of […]

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The Anti-Semite Who Reminded Me That It was Tisha B’Av

“I can’t fall asleep,” my son told me as he walked into my room one evening last week. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “We watched a movie about the Holocaust today in camp,” he explained. The Holocaust, I thought – giving Jewish children nightmares since the Holocaust. It was the right thing to show at camp, since […]

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