
Are Hobbies Allowed According to Halacha?

Dear JITC- Are hobbies allowed according to halacha? Thanks, Margaux Dear Margaux- Thanks for your question. I assume your starting point is the statement of the Shulchan Aruch in Yoreh Deah (246:25) that anyone who is able to engage in Torah and neglects to do so is guilty of “despising” the Torah. This is actually […]

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Should a Rabbi Meddle Into Someone Else’s Personal Life?

Dear Jew in the City- Should a rabbi meddle into someone else’s personal life? Thank you, R.B. Dear R.B.- Thanks for your question. First, let’s clarify what you mean by a “rabbi.” In the Orthodox community, becoming a rabbi is not the same as becoming a priest in Catholicism. In many ways, it’s more like […]

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Are Orthodox Jewish Women Allowed To Wear Open-Toed Shoes?

Dear Jew in the City- Now that the summer is here, I have a question. Is it proper for an Orthodox Jewish married woman to wear sandals/open-toed shoes in public? Thanks, JJ Dear JJ- Thanks for your question, though I’m not sure where marital status enters into it. (The only law of modesty that hinges […]

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