
Anxious About Antisemitism? Try This

I didn’t sleep through the night for a month after October 7th. I woke up at 4am, frustrated because I needed the rest, but something wouldn’t let me rest. Like many Jews, I learned about the massacre from a police officer who stands guard at a local synagogue. As chag (the holiday) carried on, people […]

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The Jewish Approach to Mindfulness Will Blow Your Mind

No longer confined to yoga and meditation enthusiasts, modern society is attuned to the benefits of mindfulness. Yet what does it have to offer the Jewish spiritual seeker? Jon Kabat-Zinn, a mindfulness-practice teacher, and developer of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) technique, defines mindfulness as an “awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in […]

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What Does Judaism Say About Overeating?

Dear Jew in the City- There are so many delicious foods on the Yom Tov table and so much of them! What does Judaism say about overeating? Good Yom Tov, Kosher Foodie   Dear Foodie- Thanks for your question. Maimonides in Hilchos Deios discusses the path of moderation. This is the approach that Judaism takes in […]

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This One Secret Will Keep You From Burning Your Food

I have recently become an expert – nay, a master – of white rice preparation. How, you ask? I don’t know exactly, but my white rice of late has had the perfect balance of oil, salt, moistness, and fluff. It is everything I ever hoped for and dreamed for in a calorie-heavy, nutrition-light accompaniment to the delicious (and likewise unhealthy) sweet and […]

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