
Dubai Kosher Chef Draws Acclaim for Fusion Emirati-Jewish Cuisine

Despite the treaty between the United Arab Emirates and Israel coming through last year, relations were already established within the country via the fusion cuisine of Elli Kriel. A trained sociologist, she has lived in the country since 2013 and first served kosher food to tourists from her home kitchen. She has since wowed a […]

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World’s Tallest Building Get’s UAE’s First Kosher Restaurant & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

UAE’s First Kosher Restaurant Launches in World’s Tallest Building Following the United Arab Emirates’ signing of a normalization accord with Israel last Tuesday, the UAE’s first-ever certified kosher restaurant has opened on the ground floor of the luxury Armani Hotel, in Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building. The restaurant, Armani/Kaf, is certified glatt kosher […]

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