
Here’s Why I Didn’t Spiral After 10/7

On October 7, I didn’t spiral. Like all Jews, the last seven weeks have been torturous to live through. But had October 7 happened a few years ago, I would have now been in the mud, clawing my way through a deep depression, trying to find a reason to live. Years ago, the slightest hiccup […]

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Can Prayers Make a Difference?

Dear Jew in the City, You recently wrote about prayer and I was wondering: Do our prayers actually accomplish anything? Can my prayers make a difference in the world, or even in my own life? Sincerely, Joseph   Dear Joseph, Thanks for your question. As we discussed in that previous article, the purpose of prayer […]

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Why I Returned To The Land Of My Forefathers

During a family visit to Israel in the summer of 2015, we discovered the sprinkler section of Teddy park, situated roughly between the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem and Mishkenot Sha’ananim (site of the iconic Jerusalem windmill).  My children were thrilled to run through the geysers spraying water twenty feet into the air […]

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Through Hard Times, How Does Torah “Hold up the World”?

Dear Jew in the City, People often say that learning Torah “holds up the world.” What does that mean exactly? At this time when it’s being more stressed than ever, how is it actually helping? Sincerely, Erin   Dear Erin, Thanks for your questions. Before I answer them, I’d like to give you some important […]

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