
What does Judaism say about the death penalty?

Dear Jew in the City, What does Judaism say about the death penalty? Sincerely, Eric Dear Eric, That’s an interesting question. I assume you mean “What does Judaism say about the death penalty in secular law?” because anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of the Torah knows that capital punishment is all over Jewish law. […]

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JITC Returns To Sundance To Discuss Blood Libels With Noa Tishby

Jewish power and blood libels are millennia old tropes. Ashakenazi Jews as “white Europeans” is a neo-Nazi canard, called the Khazar theory, that has shockingly been bolstered in Hollywood. Jew in the City, which launched the first and only Hollywood Bureau for Jewish representation in 2021 returned to Sundance for the second year in a […]

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I’m Tired of the Leaving Orthodoxy Narrative

At the start of the new year, The New York Times published a piece called, “I Left My Faith. God Didn’t Flinch.” The writer speaks about her journey from a modern orthodox girl to an openly queer nonbinary individual. She journals about the transition and the way Judaism presents in her life today. While I’m […]

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Why Does God Care About The Intricate Details of Our Practice?

Dear Jew in the City, Why does Hashem care so much about the intricate details of our practice, i.e. all the halachot of Shabbat, kashrut, etc.? Sincerely, Yuval Dear Yuval, Thanks for your question. You want to talk about an intricate detail? Let’s talk about commas. A comma is a tiny thing. Certainly, the inclusion […]

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Can the Torah Help Explain Jewish and Muslim Relations?

Dear Jew in the City, Can you please explain Jewish/Muslim relations in the Torah, in particular why they’re so contentious? Sincerely, Itai   Dear Itai, Thanks for your question. The Torah has literally nothing to say about Jewish/Muslim relations. To explain why this is, please consider the following timeline: 1312 BCE – The Torah is […]

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Top Ten Jew in the City Articles of 2023

Happy (almost) New Year! While many of us celebrate the new year at Rosh Hashanah time, the changing of the calendar from one year to the next also holds some undeniable weight. It’s another fresh start, another opportunity for change and growth and an additional moment to reflect on the past.   We’re reflecting on […]

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