
Does God Still Talk to People?

In November 1995, I was a sophomore at Johns Hopkins University. Secular-raised, jeans-wearing, I was trying to sort out my relationship with G-d. Though I was not “shomer shabbat” at the time, I took long walks on campus on Saturday afternoons, seeking my own personal connection with the divine. I hadn’t resolved what kind of […]

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Is Judaism a Religion, a Race or a Cultural Identity?

Dear JITC- I’m confused as to whether being Jewish is a religion, a race, a cultural identity or all three. If it’s not a race, then how come Jewishness is inherited? All the best, Miranda Dear Miranda- Thanks for your question. This is a tricky topic so let’s define what things are. A race is […]

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Calling All Orthodox Jewish Children’s Book Authors!

In 2017, I attended a conference in San Francisco for Jewish video creators. During the 3 day program, I got to meet some wonderful people, including Alli Thresher, who is the Digital Content Lead at PJ Library. PJ Library is the program that sends free children’s books to families raising Jewish children. While I grew […]

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How Herman Wouk’s Orthodox Judaism Defined His Life

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Herman Wouk z”l passed away late Thursday night at almost 104 years old. The author of The Caine Mutiny, War and Rememberance and This is My God was a WWII veteran who fought in the Pacific and went on to win accolades for his writing. Rabbi Yonason Denebeim has known Wouk for […]

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