
Allison Josephs’s NY Post Op-Ed On Hollywood Erasing Jews

Hollywood has a Jewish problem. It might feel unexpected when Jews are the ones who created Hollywood when they couldn’t get into another industry, but it’s a very real problem we’re facing today. Jewish roles are being given to non-Jews — something that wouldn’t fly with another minority group. Jewish tropes and erasure are often […]

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Why Does God Care About The Intricate Details of Our Practice?

Dear Jew in the City, Why does Hashem care so much about the intricate details of our practice, i.e. all the halachot of Shabbat, kashrut, etc.? Sincerely, Yuval Dear Yuval, Thanks for your question. You want to talk about an intricate detail? Let’s talk about commas. A comma is a tiny thing. Certainly, the inclusion […]

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What is Modern Orthodoxy?

Dear JITC- What is Modern Orthodoxy? Thanks, Meredith Dear Meredith, Thanks for your question. In order to explain what Modern Orthodoxy is, I think we first have to explain what Orthodoxy is. It begins with a history lesson. In the year 2448 from the Creation of the world, corresponding to 1312 BCE, the Jews who […]

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Uman Synaoguge Turns Into Safehouse For All Ukranians

The past several days have become a nightmare for Ukranians all over the country. Some are fleeing, others are hiding in bomb shelters and everyone is doing their best to stay calm amidst all the chaos, destruction and terror. One synagogue in the famous city of Uman, the home of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov’s tomb […]

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Does Jewish Law Believe That Countries Should Stop Putin?

Dear Jew in the City- Does the mitzvah of lo saamod al dam rei’echa mean we believe countries should stop Putin? Thanks, David Dear David, Thanks for your question. I think the first thing we need to do is define terms. “Lo saamod al dam rei’echa” means “You shall not stand idly by your fellow’s blood” […]

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