
Finding Faith In a World Overshadowed With Doubt

Faith in God, like loving one’s spouse – is not a static thing. It ebbs. It flows. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. And it requires work and commitment to make it last. God’s presence in the world is hidden – it’s meant to be hidden, in part, so that we have free will. As […]

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Do Jews have to treat Non-Jews and Jews the same way?

Dear Jew in the City, Why aren’t Jewish people, who are supposed to be “a light to the nations,” obligated to treat non-Jews the same as they treat fellow Jews?  Sincerely, Eileen Dear Eileen, Thanks for your question. (Actually, this question was submitted in the comment section of a different article. I thought it was […]

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This Hasidic Woman Runs a Thriving Lingerie Shop

If I could take a guess, I would say Hasidic Judaism and lingerie don’t often go hand in hand in the minds of many out there. Often, the narrative presented in the media is that couples can only have sex through a sheet, or in shows like Unorthodox, solely at the whim of one’s husband. […]

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