
“As A Jew” Jews, The Seder’s Wicked Son

For many years during the Passover seder I have struggled with how to handle “the wicked son.” We are told that there are four sons: wise, wicked, simple and one who doesn’t know how to ask. Says the hagaddah: “What does the wicked son say? ‘What does this ritual mean to you?’ To you and […]

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Will The Coming Of Moshiach Affect Passover?

Dear Jew in the City, How will we celebrate Pesach after Moshiach comes? Sincerely, Isaac   Dear Isaac, Thanks for your question, though I wonder exactly what prompts it. I have two hypotheses, which I’ll address separately. It could be that you’re asking whether Pesach will still be a holiday when Moshiach comes. This is […]

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This Hindu Woman is One of the Jewish People’s Greatest Advocates

Jews and Hindus may seem like worlds apart but the similarities between both cultures may surprise you. Rabbi Abramowitz recently tackled this question on the site, speaking about many similarities between our patriarchs, matriarchs and other notable people from the Torah and their gods.  One of those points is about Avraham. In Genesis 17:5 he […]

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Are Jews Required To Fight In Israel’s Wars?

Dear Jew in the City, Is there an obligation from a Jewish law perspective to defend the land of Israel in battle? If so, why is there a large group that refuses to fight? Sincerely, Edith   Dear Edith, Thanks for your question, which is more timely than you may realize. (In fact, it’s so […]

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