
Agam Berger’s Heroic Return

“I chose the path of faith, and in the path of faith I returned.” Last week, hostage Agam Berger’s mother said she didn’t want to violate the Sabbath to collect her daughter. In a situation of grave danger there is room in Jewish law for leniency on Sabbath observance. But after Agam’s mother made this […]

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We Need To Call Out Antisemitism, Even When It Feels Uncomfortable

The Talmud tells us to do something strange on Purim: drink until you don’t know the difference between “blessed is Mordechai” and “cursed is Haman” (“ad d’lo yada”). This is a surprising statement. Judaism generally doesn’t promote getting drunk. And why would we want to be confused about not knowing the difference between blessing Mordechai (the […]

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