
What Is Zionism?

Dear Jew in the City, What is Zionism? Did it just start as a political movement 100 years ago or is it based more deeply on Jewish thought? Sincerely, Jessica – Dear Jessica, Thanks for your question. Zionism is the belief that Jews, just like other peoples, have the right to self-determination, specifically in their […]

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Yom HaZikaron: 24 Shiva Houses in 7 Months

It was the first week of the war. The second shiva house that I attended. It was held in a Jerusalem hotel, because the hero who had died defending people in the Gaza envelope was a lone soldier from France. His name was Binyanmin Lev. Binyamin’s mom spoke about how Binyamin had left the safety […]

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A Psychologist Speaks On Mob Mentality Of Campus Protests

College campuses across the US have been occupied by radicalized students, doing the bidding of the Islamic Republic of Iran and their proxy, Hamas. Students claim that they are protesting the Israeli government’s treatment of Gazan civilians, but their true intentions are shown by the unchecked excesses of their movement. When a student holds up […]

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Have We Reached 1930’s Germany? A Historian Weighs In

We’re living through unprecedented times in America. In my lifetime, I hoped I would never see the vitriol and antisemitic that my Jewish ancestors went through. I felt confident that “never again” really meant never again. Jews would never go through the persecution of the past. The truth and goodness of the Jewish people I […]

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