
Can We Dress Less Modestly Because Our Society Does?

Hey Jew in the City- I’ve heard people say that modesty is just for a specific time and place, i.e., based on the times you’re living in. If that’s true, why do we still have to follow it? Best, Madison Dear Madison- Thanks for your question. I would say that “time and place” thing works […]

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Why Do Orthodox Jewish Men Wear Hats?

Dear JITC- Why do Jewish men wear hats? All the best, Carla Dear Carla- Thanks for your question. It has been asked before: A man asked his rabbi, “Why do Jewish men wear hats?” The rabbi replied, “Because our forefather Abraham wore them.” “How do you know that?” the man inquired. “The Torah says, ‘And […]

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Why Don’t Orthodox Jews Shake Hands?

Hi Jew in the City- Why don’t Orthodox Jews shake hands with members of the opposite sex? Thank you, Lloyd Dear Lloyd- This is a slightly-loaded question in that it makes a number of assumptions and you’re going to meet people who may not live up to those expectations. I agree with the basic premise, […]

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Why Do Orthodox Jews Wear Black?

Dear JITC- Why do Orthodox Jews wear black? Sincerely, Rosie Dear Rosie- The short answer to your question is this. Now, I would love to link to that and be done but, unfortunately, while Allison is cool enough to let me include it, she’s not cool enough to let that be my answer in its […]

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